They arrived without warning sweeping over the world. Months of conflict drug on, humans only holding on by a shred of hope. A new type of weapon from a hybrid of human and alien technology and biology was created to combat the threat and finally turn the tides of battle.

A machine of war that enabled the pilot to become the weapon blurring the line between pilot and machine. The bonding process allows those compatible to  operate their unit as an extension of their body, risking losing their sense of self in the process. A necessary sacrifice for the future of the world.

The last major battle left several Longinus units badly damaged, and some utterly destroyed. The team of ten, now reduced to only five. Unit 03, notoriously difficult to bond with, was barely salvageable, the pilot killed with no trace of their remains found.

You are their replacement.

Barely out of training with a woefully minimally equipped unit the city is under attack. You are to scramble with the remaining members of the squad. Good luck, Longinus-03.

You'll need it.


Original Scratch project here:

Move with arrow or A/D keys

Aim/Shoot with mouse

Skip cut scenes with Space

Known Bugs:

-If you click through the mission complete screen too quickly, it disables the background of the text for the cutscene.

-Not really a bug, but it's easy to accidentally skip the victory/defeat screens if you are frantically clicking the mouse. Just hold it down and it'll keep shooting at full speed anyway. Accuracy isn't tracked so feel free to light up the sky ;)

-When using A/D keys, the turret 'wobbles' a bit. It's an easy fix and will likely be patched soon (or not, because it's kinda fun to watch it dance as you move back and forth)




GriffPatch's text-engine tutorial ( and INTELECTUAI's code based upon that tutorial I used to simplify/speed up the creation process: (

GriffPatch's health bar tutorial (


Many weapons sound effects from Shapeform Audio (, assets used can be found in the freely available bundle here:

Various other sounds are from the freely available bundle created by GameSupplyGuy:

Contains music ©2020 Joshua McLean (, Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Specific assets used can be found here:

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